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International Federation of Independent Experts and Specialists

I N F O R M A T I O N   S O U R C E     A I E L   (L N E A)   &   I F O I E   (S N E F)

Source of information provided – AIEL (LNEA) and IFOIE (SNEF) – International Federation of Independent Experts and Specialists

       Seven international scientific and practical conferences were organized during the existence of the IFOIE. Such conferences are held approximately once every two years. Scientific conferences cover the theoretical and practical aspects of various expert research, related issues and current problems.

       Presentation  topics  of  the  5th  International  Scientific  and  Practical  Conference  are  presented  in  the  table  below.
       P.S. The 5th conference was attended by independent experts and specialists from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine.

       Some  expert  studies  and  reports  of  IFOIE  (SNEF)  members  are  located  in  the  "Publications"  section.

       Photos from 5th conference: view all

       Books of IFOIE authors:
       1. Nora Kasemaa: for more info click here
       2. Alexander Volkov: for more info click here

uzmanibu.png A Wish for visitors. Using materials, please allude to the original source:                banner_ifoie2.jpg

I n f o r m a t i v e   w e b s i t e   o f   I n t e r n a t i o n a l   F e d e r a t i o n   o f   E x p e r t s   a n d   S p e c i a l i s t s

           Healthy people above-ground in Riga is
   healthy Riga
(Latvia). Olga Veidinya – deputy
   of Riga City Council;  committee  chairwoman
   on social questions; chairwoman of administra-
   tive commission of Riga City Council; member
   of IFOIE (SNEF) and AIEL (LNEA).
      Expert analysis of pre-judicial reform in
 Konstantin Matveev  –  associate professor of 
 Baltic  International  Academy.

     Role of expert in the criminal procedures    related  to  the  corruption  (Latvia).
   Anatoliy  Krivinsch  –  jurist  of  Daugavpils    City Council;  Dr.
     Modern criminal and judicial positions,
 and also criminalistics positions in Latvia
 about  the  receipt  of  standards  for com-
 parative  research
 Marina  Sumbarova – Dr. assoc. prof. 
 of  Baltic  International  Academy.
         Detective and expert: from experience of
   cooperation on criminal procedures
   Mikhail Chernousov – oath advocate;
   assoc. prof. of  Baltic  International  Academy.

         History  of  one  investigation. . . (Latvia).
   Evgeniya Zaiceva – member of IFOIE (SNEF)
   and AIEL (LNEA); Mg. and member of
   SIA "GROSBUHS–Z" board; expert in econo-
   mic, budget and business valuation; Advisor to
   the Saeima faction.
     Expert analysis of aviation ornithological
  (Latvia).  Victor  Birjukov  –  presi-
 dent of  the  Association of  Russian Scientists
 in  Latvia  Dr. and  member of  IFOIE
 (SNEF)  and  AIEL  (LNEA).

     Research  of  the  modelled  processes  of
 damages as a result of fire shot's or of firing
 from the different types of  shooting-iron in
 judicial medicine
(Ukraine). Victor  Sapelkin
 –  manager of department  of  judicial-medical
 commissions  expertises of  Kharkov  regional
 judicial-medical  expert  bureau.
    Possibilities of personality authentication 
in   medico-legal   practice
Antanas Garmaus – leader of judicial-medical
researches bureau of Garmaus; vice-chairman,
Dr., prof. and vice-chairman of board in IFOIE (SNEF).

Genovefa Hvatovich (reader of supplementary report) – administrator,  geneticist of  judicial-medical   researches  bureau  of   A. Garmaus;
Dr.;  member  of  IFOIE  (SNEF).
     European vector of humanizing of criminal
   statute  in  new  criminal  procedure  code of
   Ukraine, and also prospect of reformation of
   medico-legal  service
    Yuriy  Kravchenko   –   chief  of  the  Kharkov
   regional  bureau of  medico-legal  examination.
    Alexander  Gurov   (reader  of  supplementary
   report) – manager of medico-legal examination
   department of  the  Kharkov  medical  academy
   post-diploma  education  of  Ministry  of health
   of Ukraine; Dr.; professor.
      Perspective  directions  of diagnostics  of
 remoteness  of offensive of death 
 Dmitry Gladkih  –  assistant  of department of
 medico-legal  expert  analysis of  the Kharkov
 medical academy of  after-diploma  education
 of  Ministry  of  health  of  Ukraine.

     Kinds and tasks of expert analysis in the
    field  of  intellectual  property
    Vladimir   Bagirov   –   member  of  IFOIE
    (SNEF)  and   leader  of  graduate  students
    school  of  Baltic   International   Academy;
    and  also  associate  professor.
     Expert researches on quality of materials
in 2012
(Estonia). Nora Касемаа – director of
commodity expertises  bureau of  N.Касемаа;
member of IFOIE (SNEF) and AIEL (LNEA).

     About estimation of market value of old
versions computer programs
Nikolay Gudanec – member of IFOIE (SNEF);
AIEL  (LNEA);  Cand.  philologist;  specialist  in  programming,  authorship  and  textual  analysis.
         Linguistic  expert  analysis.   Features  of
   analysis  in  the  conditions  of  bilingualism.
   Possibilities  of  manipulation
        Irina  Dimante  –  associate professor of Bal-
   tic International  Academy;  member  of  IFOIE
   (SNEF);  AIEL (LNEA); specialist  in author-
   ship  and  text  analysis.
         Psychophysiology  of  lies;  reliability
   of  expert  estimations  in  polygraph  stu-
(Latvia).  Dmitry Schirjaev – associate
   professor  in Higher school  of psychology;
   Dr. Biol.;  specialist  in  psychophysiology;
   member of IFOIE (SNEF), AIEL (LNEA).

       Transologic psychotherapy for alcohol-
 dependent patients
(Latvia). Vladimir Kazik
 –  psychiatrist-expert  in  narcology;  member
 of  IFOIE  (SNEF)  and  AIEL  (LNEA).
 Galina   Antonjuk  (reader  of  supplementary 
 report)  –   psychiatrist-expert   in  narcology.
     Art therapeutic methods for integration
 of children and young people
 Alena Jakuba – associate professor of Higher
 school of psychology; Dr.; member
 of  IFOIE  (SNEF);  AIEL  (LNEA).

       Ethic  aspect  in  researches  of  expert-
(Latvia).  Tatjana  Kudrjavceva
 –  Mg.;  expert-psychologist,  pres-
 chool  and  junior school teacher; member of
 IFOIE (SNEF) and AIEL (LNEA); author of
 experimental  game  manuals  for  child  psy-
 chology  and  pedagogy.